Call for a free consultation 386-453-0500


duiIf you were arrested for DUI, then you need to act quickly. A person arrested for DUI has 10 days from the date of the arrest before their driver’s license is suspended by the State of Florida. Within the 10 days after your arrest, my office can set a hearing with the Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). This will provide you with the opportunity to maintain your right to drive.


You will likely lose the right to avoid suspension of your driver’s license if you fail to take action during this 10-day period. This means that the DHSMV will suspend your driver’s license for a period of 1 year or 18 months for refusing testing or for a period of 6 months if the breath/blood results are over the legal limit of .08.


As of July 1st, 2013, the State of Florida has begun providing first time DUI arrestees with the added ability to request a review of the suspension by the DHSMV within 10 days after the date of issuance of the notice of suspension. First time arrestees may also request a review of their eligibility for maintaining their driving privilege under Florida Statute 322.271(7). It may be to your advantage to have my office negotiate restricted driving privileges for you in exchange for waiving your right to a formal suspension review.

Use the contact form here, or call 386-453-0500 to speak with a attorney today and schedule your free initial consultation.

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duiIf you were arrested for DUI, then you need to act quickly. A person arrested for DUI has 10 days from the date of the arrest before their driver’s license is suspended by the State of Florida. Within the 10 days after your arrest, my office can set a hearing with the Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). This will provide you with the opportunity to maintain your right to drive.


You will likely lose the right to avoid suspension of your driver’s license if you fail to take action during this 10-day period. This means that the DHSMV will suspend your driver’s license for a period of 1 year or 18 months for refusing testing or for a period of 6 months if the breath/blood results are over the legal limit of .08.

Use the contact form here, or call 386-453-0500 to speak with a lawyer today and schedule your free initial consultation.​​

As of July 1st, 2013, the State of Florida has begun providing first time DUI arrestee’s with the added ability to request a review of the suspension by the DHSMV within 10 days after the date of issuance of the notice of suspension. First time arrestee’s may also request a review of their eligibility for maintaining their driving privilege under Florida Statute 322.271(7). It may be to your advantage to have my office negotiate restricted driving privileges for you in exchange for waiving your right to a formal suspension review.

If you refuse to take the required breath test, then the State of Florida will suspend your driver’s license for a period of 1 year. The police often forget to properly advise arrestees that their license is suspended or revoked. This circumstance will allow my office to contest the suspension of your license. Again, this requires you to hire me or another competent attorney the day after your arrest.


You must know that even if you act quickly, the State of Florida still seeks to suspend your driving privileges for 30 days if you had an unlawful breath alcohol over .08, or 90 days if you refused the breath test altogether. These 30 and 90 day suspensions are much less as compared to those who do nothing.


Call Brad Sherman today so we can help minimize your license suspension, and, simultaneously, start preparing the criminal defense of your DUI case. It is important that you understand that the State of Florida seeks to punish you in two ways: (1) the Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles seeks to suspend your driving privileges; and (2) the Office of the State Attorney who was elected in the county where you were arrested seeks to put you in jail or probation, or both. Call Brad Sherman to help you avoid or minimize all these consequences, and help you start putting this ordeal behind you.

Call for a free consultation 386-453-0500